Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's Okay Thursday

Its Ok Thursdays
Today I'm linking up for It's Okay Thursdays


It's okay that I have skipped two days this week on my 30 Day Shred.
I am back at it today with Zumba and then continuing the shred.

It's okay to be extremely excited about Zumba tonight because I've been sitting at my desk for the biggest part of the day.

To always look forward to Fridays even if I don't have anything planned.
(sometimes those end up being the best ones)

To be completely done with the political race even though the primary doesn't happen in North Carolina until May and the election is not until November.

To feel like I have to plan everything out.  I am so terrible at just going with the flow of things.  I'm working on this though.

To workout some days just so I have enough calories left to eat ice cream.

To sometimes feel somewhat defeated when none of my Mission Friends showed up last night after we had an awesome lesson and project for them.

To have the same things two nights in a row for supper.

To change outfits because I realized I wore the same colors the day before.

What are you OK with?

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