Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Where Did My Weekend Go?

It doesn't seem possible that the weekend is already over!  I love staying busy, but just don't feel like there is ever enough time in the weekends to get everything done I need/want to.

This weekend I had decided I would work on cleaning out my closet, work on a craft project I have been planning for over a month, and have some time to relax with the family.

You may or may not recall I received this baby for Christmas.

Up until this weekend the extent of its use has been decorating a plain birthday bag with an initial and a card.  This little guy has been workin' it.

I worked Friday night on recreating and tweaking my own Pinterest inspired art for my terrible plan wall at work.

Here is the photo of the image I found on Pinterest.
Pinned Image

Here is a little preview of what I have been doing.  I’m not finished due to needing a few other styles of paper and running out of black spray paint.  I’m hoping I will have time to finish at least one of them by working on it a little each night and then on Sunday after church.

The rest of the weekend was spent TV shopping with my mom and my sister, Jana.  We of course hit up a few stores that may or may not have sold TVs to do some other shopping.  Mom and I met my grandpa for dinner that night.  Sunday was the usual routine of Sunday school and preaching followed by Bojangles and then Sunday night service followed by some fellowship at Cookout.  I did manage to get outside on Sunday afternoon.  It was so nice!  I truly am so thankful that I am so close with my family and I get to cherish time with them.  Until recently I think I really took this for granted.  I assumed most people were like we are.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday!

Happy Friday Ya'll!

Today I'm linking up with Lauren for Fill in the Blank Friday.

1. My favorite place I've ever traveled to is: New Orleans or New York, I just love all the excitement of so much to do and see.

2. Somewhere I'd love to go someday is: backpacking across Europe.

3. I pass the time on a plane (or bus, or car ride, or train) by: read, listen to music and sing along (only in the car), and talk to those traveling with me.

4. My three must-haves when I travel are: my phone, a good book, and a good playlist/CD.  I may or may not be gulity of always creating a new playlist for every road trip I take.

5. My favorite travel companion is: probably any member of my family

6. The craziest thing that ever happened to me while traveling is: Once while traveling for work, my flight was delayed multiple times.  We were told that several of the delays were due to late arrivals and the last time was because a bird was caught in the plane.

7. The most exotic food I've ever tried while traveling is: I hate to admit, but I usually don't try different things when I travel.  I know terrible!

8. If I could live anywhere else, I'd live in: Charleston or Savannah, I absolutely love these two historical places in the south.

9. I have been to  18  states in the United States.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Where Have I Been…Good Question.

Oh my word!  I cannot believe it has been this long since my last post.  Let me just tell you I am still fighting this daggum cold!  After visiting the doctor twice, being on four rounds of prescriptions I still am feeling like crap and have been since the first of December!  

On another note, let me introduce you to my Saturday night…

My first Migraine. 
Lets look at the symptoms found here.
Moderate to severe, throbbing head pain 
Most commonly one-sided pain;

Pain located near the eye on affected side

Pain that worsens with physical activity
Sensitivity to light and/or sound 
Nausea or vomiting

Debilitating pain that hinders daily activities

Apparently I experienced the classic “auras”.  This is a visual auditory, or olfactory perceptions or other neurological symptoms known to occur 15 to 30 minutes prior to an attack.  My “aura” occurred by blind spot in my eye and then numbness in my arm.  Talk about scary…I was freaked out.  Once I finally had a full blown migraine it all started making sense.  Once I got in complete darkness I was finally able to shed that monster.

This weekend wasn't completely ruined.  

Friday night I helped a girl from my church get ready for her first Homecoming dance.  It was too cute.  I helped her by doing her makeup and then fixing her hair.  It totally took me back to high school years when all the girls would come over to the house and we would all help each other get ready.  After Bayley was all dressed, photos taken, and they left for her to go meet up with some of her friends I decided to stay in for the night. 
 I ended up rewatching The Help for the third time and Courageous.  Courageous was such a good movie and a terrible tear jerker!

Saturday morning my sister hosted a Pampered Chef party.  So after we checked out all the new latest greatest stuff and had a serving of hashbrown casserole and mango salsa which was so yummy, I head with my mom and sister to Teagan's birthday party.  This little girl turned the big T-W-O!  I had so much fun seeing all the little babies and toddlers in their own little world.  I think they all had a blast.  I forgot my camera but serve as photographer for a little with her mom, Rici's camera.  I'm sure the photos will be appearing on her blog anytime now, so check them out at Teagan Tales.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A little inspiration...

Pinned Image

Also, don't forget to check out this awesome giveaway that is going on right now at The Bluegrass Belle.  Katelyn has partnered up with It's A Wrap to offer some adorable things.  Two winners will win their choice of two of the three items.

How cute are these?  Why would you not want one?

Hurry it ends on Sunday, January 15th!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Here's what I am loving on this rainy, rainy, Wednesday.

I'm loving a three day weekend.  We have Monday off.

Hello Long Weekend!

I'm loving that after a month of this sickness I think I have about kicked it.

I'm loving that I have figure out I want to order a Lilly iPad sleeve.  The question is which one?
Lilly Pulitzer iPad Sleeve - Netbook Sleeve - Nice to See You Lilly Pulitzer iPad Sleeve - Netbook Sleeve - Luscious
I'm loving that I got to have dinner this week with my former college roommate Amanda.

I'm loving these finds via Pinterest.
Thank you God!

monogram scarf

Lily Pulitzer inspired cake

Wednesday outift!

Pinned Image

I'm loving that we started our Biggest Loser Contest at work.  My secret weapon....well I  have two.  


What are ya'll loving?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Cough, Cough, Sneeze

Have you ever felt so exhausted that you think you can’t do anything?  I’m talking about even a struggle to just get up.  Oh and did I mention this was after 8 hours of sleep at at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday morning.  Yeah, that was me this weekend!  After still fighting this crappy cold I actually started to feel worse Friday night and it really didn’t get much better.  I began to worry that my simple little cold that would not find another home had turned into something a little more serious, so after absolutely NO sleep on Sunday this kid took a half day off work and finally forced myself to go to the doctor.  Thankfully I received good news.  It wasn't anything too serious.

This terrible no good cold started the first week of December and I made myself go to the doctor on Monday, December 4th after a terrible weekend of my head and sinuses feeling like they were going to explode!  So after finishing an antibiotic everything seemed to be working much better and I thought I was in the recovery phase.  Man was I wrong.  I have been coughing my head off and finally a month later I am now being treated for a viral infection.  Cross your fingers, this cold will be outta here come next week!

I do feel much better today after only one day's worth of my three medicines...geez!  I'm going to try to get back to my running program tonight.  I'm hoping it doesn't send things in the other direction.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm linking up to Jamie's weekly "What I'm Loving Wednesday" post.

This week I'm loving that I finally have almost got over this terrible sinus cold.

I'm loving I pushed myself beyond feeling terrible to continue to Couch to 5k program last night.

I'm loving the time I was able to spend with family and friends.

I'm loving these finds via pinterest.
Patchwork Pillow

Appalachian State University Earrings


Such a pretty, romantic look.

I'm also loving getting to sleep in this Saturday!  I absolutely cannot wait!

What are you loving?

2012 is Here!

Wow...I cannot believe that 2012 is already here.

I can honestly say it has been a great start to a new year.  For NYE we ended up going out to eat with my mom and grandpa.  After we finished with supper, we attended a get together at the house of one of the families from church.  The night consisted of Phase 10, ping pong, a whole lot of Just Dance, great food, laughing way to much, and enjoying each others company as we rang in the new year.  I enjoyed getting to hang out with church members outside of church.  I feel like you really get to know them and connect with them.

It was so great to have New Years Day on Sunday.  What better way to start off the first day of the new year, but at church.  After the standard Sunday meal with the family I completed the day just hanging out with friends.

Let's just say Monday morning came way too soon, but the good things is that this week is officially half-way over.

So I know that most people make resolutions so I decided to reflect on 2011 and really think about what I would like to be able to see at the end of 2012.  I wanted to make these things reasonable, but still challenging.

For 2012,

  • I want to really read more in my Bible.  This is something I feel like I always struggle with.
  • I want to try new things.  Whether its food, places, hobbies, etc, I want to explore new things.
  • I want to make an effort to truly enjoy life.  I want to enjoy what I am doing and who I am around.
  • I want to work on completing more on my bucket list.
  • I want to grow in my faith.
I guess we will see what God wants for me in 2012.

What's your new years resolutions?