Monday, January 23, 2012

Where Have I Been…Good Question.

Oh my word!  I cannot believe it has been this long since my last post.  Let me just tell you I am still fighting this daggum cold!  After visiting the doctor twice, being on four rounds of prescriptions I still am feeling like crap and have been since the first of December!  

On another note, let me introduce you to my Saturday night…

My first Migraine. 
Lets look at the symptoms found here.
Moderate to severe, throbbing head pain 
Most commonly one-sided pain;

Pain located near the eye on affected side

Pain that worsens with physical activity
Sensitivity to light and/or sound 
Nausea or vomiting

Debilitating pain that hinders daily activities

Apparently I experienced the classic “auras”.  This is a visual auditory, or olfactory perceptions or other neurological symptoms known to occur 15 to 30 minutes prior to an attack.  My “aura” occurred by blind spot in my eye and then numbness in my arm.  Talk about scary…I was freaked out.  Once I finally had a full blown migraine it all started making sense.  Once I got in complete darkness I was finally able to shed that monster.

This weekend wasn't completely ruined.  

Friday night I helped a girl from my church get ready for her first Homecoming dance.  It was too cute.  I helped her by doing her makeup and then fixing her hair.  It totally took me back to high school years when all the girls would come over to the house and we would all help each other get ready.  After Bayley was all dressed, photos taken, and they left for her to go meet up with some of her friends I decided to stay in for the night. 
 I ended up rewatching The Help for the third time and Courageous.  Courageous was such a good movie and a terrible tear jerker!

Saturday morning my sister hosted a Pampered Chef party.  So after we checked out all the new latest greatest stuff and had a serving of hashbrown casserole and mango salsa which was so yummy, I head with my mom and sister to Teagan's birthday party.  This little girl turned the big T-W-O!  I had so much fun seeing all the little babies and toddlers in their own little world.  I think they all had a blast.  I forgot my camera but serve as photographer for a little with her mom, Rici's camera.  I'm sure the photos will be appearing on her blog anytime now, so check them out at Teagan Tales.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Hi Jada! I am your partner for the monogram swap! I sent you an e-mail, but I'm not sure if you received it. It's nice to meet you and I love your blog!

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