Monday, December 19, 2011

Productive Weekend

I am so proud of myself for having such a productive weekend.  This weekend I wrapped almost all the presents that I have ready and they are now underneath a completely decorated tree!  I was able to finally meet up with Rici long enough to cut her hair and give little Teagan a trim.  We finished shopping for our adopted family this weekend and our Christmas play at church was a huge success.  I loved playing a special role.  (I’ll post more about this one with photos later this week.)

As I was preparing my Sunday School lesson for my 1st graders I realized something.  As the shepherds were in the field and the angel came before them that was the ONLY sign they had of this king and of this promise.  Think about what we have today.  We have the entire bible, cover to cover.  We have the promise that Jesus came and was born to the virgin Mary, that he died on the cross for our sins, and that he rose.  Why would we not believe that he is coming back one day?  Why do people not believe in Jesus?  And what kind of faith did those shepherd have to simply believe and trust the angel?

This week is going to be busy, but I am excited that I get to have dinner with two of my college friends, I get a day off this week, and Christmas is almost here!

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